Mixtures of Natural Functional Dyes in Finishing and Coloration of Natural Fabrics

Document Type : Original full papers (regular papers)


1 home economic department faculty of specific education fayoum university fayoum egypt

2 chemistry and dyeing technology, Textile Industries Research Division National Research Center

3 Home Economics department- Faculty of Specific Education- Fayoum University

4 Researcher at the Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University


This article discusses the use of natural functional dye mixtures "turmeric( natural yellow 3), madder(nature red 8) and Cochineal (natural red4)" in finishing and dyeing of natural fabrics "Cotton, Wool, Silk" as a eco-friendly approach to textile production. Using self-dyes and mixing dyes for each of the three fabrics, the advantages and disadvantages effects of using combinations of natural dyes are explored, including improved dye uptake, color fastness, Also, color strength values of the samples and factors affecting the extraction of dye extraction " concentration, temperature, and time" were measured for the dyed fabrics .. Color strength (K/S) and color data (L*, a*, b*, ΔE) are measured. Also, fastness properties, light, washing, perspiration and rubbing, for the dyed fabrics are tested and evaluated. The antimicrobial effect of positive and negative bacteria, fungi also detected. The use of natural and chemical mordents were used and additives to enhance the properties of the dyeing of mixtures is also discussed. In addition, the economic and cultural benefits of using natural dyes are highlighted. The article concludes that the use of mixtures of natural functional dyes in textile production has significant potential for creating innovative and environmentally friendly products.
